Thursday, October 4, 2007

Vegas Decompression Complete

So, a week after the USA Crit Series Finals in Las Vegas I feel like I'm finally decompressed from that pressure cooker of a race. Before I say anything else about the trip or the race I need to say a big, big thank you to Spike and Rodger who are my bosses at the Skirack for letting me stay with them out there and their encouragement and excitement for what I was doing. It meant a lot!

A little breakdown:
-The race was insanely scary.
-The tradeshow was highly entertaining.
-The city was majorly repulsive.
-The experience was definitely worth it.

I'm going to be writing a whole story about the race and the trip for the Cycling Revealed website ( and should be finishing that up this weekend. Thanks Graham and Barry!

Here's a picture of me riding mid-race right behind Ivan Dominguez (eventual race winner). He seems to win a lot of these things, so I decided to see how he did it and just rode behind him for 10-15 laps mid-race. He's smooth. And it definitely helped imitating.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm surprised Ivan wasn't riding farther back. Great photo.