Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hot Tracks on the Trainer

So, its getting cold out and the time-change has happened - meaning its cold and dark - meaning its the time of the year where I start getting on the trainer. Unlike many, I don't mind the trainer that much. I've even been known to enjoy it. That's right, I used the "e" word in reference to the trainer - Enjoy.

This is all assuming one hugely important factor - some good tunes bumping. I am without Ipod myself - being a 90's guy and all - so, I'm at the mercy of Helen's Ipod. Thankfully, as I've explored it I've found mercy, some hot tracks, and some steady beats. Here are some I've been pedaling to lately:

Sam Sparro - Black and Gold
Beyonce - Crazy in Love
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Coming
The Natural - The Natural
Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
Moby - In This World

What are you jamming out to?

Snow's ah comin'!

1 comment:

Aa said...

That's a pretty hodge podge mix there Jake.
I've been listening to Bad Religion lately, for my 90's angsty rock, partnered with some bad current pop, think Avril Lavigne, or MIA.